Meta Description Generator

Meta descriptions are important. Google says “Good descriptions are human-readable and diverse. Page-specific data is a good candidate for programmatic generation. Keep in mind that meta descriptions comprised of long strings of keywords don’t give users a clear idea of the page’s content, and are less likely to be displayed as a snippet.”

For more suggestions, head to Google Central and sign up as a developer:

Here are some AI tools to help you with ideas for Meta Descriptions:

Ahrefs is a great choice for a meta description generator. Here’s how it works. In this case for South Bay Literacy, a 501c3 nonprofit dedicated to teaching English for free in Los Angeles.

I used the examples as guidance, and came up with my own. Since our office isn’t staffed at all, I removed the address. This is the final result.

Contact South Bay Literacy for free English classes in Los Angeles, or to tutor – Call us at 310-373-7003 or fill out the Contact form. Improve literacy today!

You’ll want to run your meta description through a character counter like Word Counter. Your meta description should be between 5-160 characters, no more.

Here are other options for generators:

Anyword Meta Description Generator