AI Detector

An AI detector is a tool designed to identify whether a piece of text was written by a human or an artificial intelligence (AI) solution. These detectors play a crucial role in verifying content authenticity and distinguishing between human-generated and AI-generated text.

How Do AI Detectors Work?

  • AI detectors use language models similar to those used in AI writing tools.
  • They assess perplexity (text predictability) and burstiness (variance in sentence structure and length).
  • Perplexity: AI-generated text tends to have low perplexity (more predictable), while human writing has higher perplexity (more creative but with typos).
  • Burstiness: AI-generated text exhibits less burstiness (consistent sentence length and structure), whereas human writing varies more.
  • These detectors help educators verify student work, marketers ensure original content, and moderators combat spam23.

They scrutinize text patterns to distinguish between human and AI-generated content, aiding in maintaining authenticity and integrity in various contexts.

Here are some of the more commonly used AI detectors utilized today:

  2. Winston AI
  3. Originality.AI
  4. GLTR
  5. Sapling
  6. Content at Scale
  7. Copyleaks
  8. Crossplag
  9. GPTZero
  10. Writer
  11. Turnitin